Angelina Altshuler

UC San Diego , 2013
Ph.D. , Bioengineering
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San Diego



Angelina Altshuler completed her degree in bioengineering PhD at UC San Diego. Her research used bioengineering approaches to study organ failure in circulatory shock. After her PhD, Angelina spent over six years at Illumina, the leader in genetic sequencing. She worked on HiSeqX ($1000 genome) consumables and over a dozen sequencing applications products from single cell to RNA and everything in between. Angelina spent 3 years at Inscripta, a genome engineering company with a mission to revolutionize the way DNA editing is conducted where she built novel manufacturing capabilities to power the Onyx. Angelina is now a the Head of Development and co-founder of Create Biosciences. A contract development and manufacturing organization that specializes in accelerating new biotechnology products to market.


UC San Diego

Ph.D. , Bioengineering

Class of 2013

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UC San Diego

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