Divyansh Kaushik

Carnegie Mellon University , 2023
Ph.D. , Computer Science
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Divyansh is the Associate Director for Emerging Technologies and National Security at the Federation of American Scientists. He holds a PhD from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, where he focused on designing reliable artificial intelligence systems that align with human values. His work has been recognized by an Amazon Graduate Research Fellowship, a Best Paper award at the International Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing held in Brussels in 2018, and several invited talks at Fortune 100 companies. In addition to his work on Capitol Hill advocating for defense, innovation, and immigration issues, he has also played a key role in the establishment of the Congressional Graduate Research and Development Caucus. He is also a frequent contributor to leading publications, including National Defense Magazine, The Dispatch, Daily Caller, and Forbes, sharing his insights and expertise on a variety of topics relevant to national security and innovation.


Carnegie Mellon University

Ph.D. , Computer Science

Class of 2023

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